Tuesday, December 22, 2009

6 weeks!

I don't know why, but reaching the 6 week mark feels like a milestone.

The second beta was 224, and estrogen and progesterone levels looked good. I was able to cut back from daily progesterone to weekly, and stop taking estrace. 

My parents and immediate family are thrilled. I haven't told many other people yet - just a few who knew we were doing IVF. I plan on waiting until the end of 1st tri before going public with the news.

Symptoms so far: insomnia, fatigue, sore abs, sore breasts, bloat, constipation. I really haven't had much to complain about yet, except the insomnia which is so frustrating.

Looking forward to our first u/s next Monday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Beta #1

My first beta was yesterday. The pain of being stuck four (yes, four!) times (my veins suck) was completely made up for when the doctor called later that afternoon. Beta is 84 - I am pregnant!

It is just starting to sink in - I keep having to remind myself that it's true. J said something to me early this morning and the last part of the sentence was "..now that you're pregnant," and it just sounded so strange!

I have almost no symptoms - slight sore breasts, which is probably as much from the progesterone injections as anything, and my abs are a little sore. A few cramps and twinges here and there, but nothing noticably different from early menstrual cramps.

Of course, we are both feeling somewhat cautious - I have the second beta tomorrow, and I'm not sure I will really relax until the first ultrasound three weeks from now. But for today, I am pregnant.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Fert Report, ET, 2WW

I have been negligent in keeping up this blog - sorry!

The ER went well on Nov. 24. They retrieved 10 eggs, 9 of which were mature, and 7 of which fertilized normally. The RE was very happy with this outcome. I recovered well from the procedure with no complications.

At 3dpER we got an update. The RE said our embryos looked "spectacular." We had 4 at 8-9 cells, grade 1-2. The others were developing more slowly. But things were looking good and we were on for ET on day 5.

I went for acupuncture the morning of ET. While I was waiting for the acupuncturist to arrive, the RE called and gave me an update. The embryos had slowed in growth and weren't as far along as they would have liked. We had one early-blast, one morula, and some stragglers. At that time she wasn't sure if we would do the ET that day or wait until day 6. Ugh! Talk about nerve racking. The ET was scheduled for 11 and we needed to leave by 10, so the RE said she would call back at 10.

At 10:15 we got the call. The embryos had progressed enough in that 2 hour span such that the embryologist and RE both felt the ET should be that day. So we hustled into the car and I started drinking water with a purpose.

We didn't wait long before they took us back. The nurse checked my bladder and said it wasn't full enough. I explained that I had just finished drinking my water, that I had started late since we weren't sure it was going to happen. But she forced me to drink another 12 oz on top of the 30 oz I had just finished. I was not happy.

By the time the RE arrived to check me, my bladder was TOO full and I had to let some out. This happened twice, and I blame the nurse. I was so not happy and couldn't concentrate well on anything the RE was trying to tell us about our embryos.

In the end, although I had hoped to transfer just one excellent embryo, we ended up transferring two that were "ok." One was a blast and one was just between morula and early blast. It made me nervous because I'm not trying for multiples. But it seemed like the best thing to do and was recommended by the RE. J was fine with it. I think I was the only one with hesitation.

The next day I got a call from my regular RE (it's a group practice so he didn't do my ET). First, he reassured me that he agreed with the decision to transfer two embryos. Then he gave me the bad news that none of the remaining embryos had made it to freeze. I was crushed. I had fully expected we would have at least a couple to freeze. FET was our backup plan if this doesn't work. But it wasn't meant to be.

It's been a rough several days for me since the ET. I was was really focused on not freezing any embryos for the first few days, and I was pretty down. But then life got a bit busier and I got more distance, and now I've mostly accepted it. I've been trying to focus on the two embryos we DID transfer. As J said the day after ET, "We are farther along than we've ever been before. We know there are two embryos in your uterus right now." And he's right. For now.

Tomorrow is my beta. I have managed to hold out and not POAS. I decided it would make me crazier no matter what the outcome. Besides, my clinic does betas at 14 dp ER, so it's really not that long of a wait. Fingers and toes crossed!

Monday, November 23, 2009

ER is on!

At my appointment yesterday, the tech told me I needed to have at least 5 follies over 18mm to be ready to trigger. She found 6!

I triggered last night at 7pm. We have to be at the office at 6:15am - and it's 45 minutes away. Good thing J is a morning person.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Movin' right along

Yesterday I had my second monitoring appointment since starting the stims. I am on day 8 of stims and so far the side effects have been pretty minimal - minor headaches (though they may have been unrelated), feeling crampy/achy, moodiness. No significant bloating yet, but I'm expecting it. Things are progressing well - 17 follicles, 10 large enough to potentially have mature eggs. I started the Ganerelix last night, in addition to the Gonal-F and Menapur.
It looks like my retrieval will be pushed up by a day or even two, so I will trigger either Saturday or Sunday night. I go in tomorrow for another monitoring appointment.

It really feels like this is whooshing by so quickly!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oodles and oodles of drugs, oh my!

I woke up with a sore throat and a fever this morning, so I stayed home from work. Unfortunately I still had to drive nearly there and back anyway to pick up the shipment of IVF drugs from the FedEx location I'd had them shipped to - ironically, to be convenient to pick up from work.

After downing two cups of lemon tea with honey and two bowls of soup, the pooch and I took a drive. She was such good company. I swear, there is almost nothing as comforting as my dog by my side.

So, this is what I picked up:

I am doing an antagonist protocol. I start with Gonal-F, Menopur, and Femara for the first five days. After that I continue with the Gonal-F and Menopur, adjusting the dose as needed based on my monitoring visits.

My last BCP was Sunday night. Monday morning I had my baseline ultrasound and bloodwork. My nurse called in the afternoon to tell me that everything looked ok and that I can start the stims on Friday as scheduled.

I am excited and nervous. Especially nervous about the PIO injections that J will have to give me. But that is several days down the road. For now, I just need to focus on the first injection, which shouldn't be too bad. One thing at a time.

Monday, October 26, 2009

And the winner is...

We’ve decided on IVF.

It really wasn’t a hard decision. J’s 4th SA results came back with no new issues preventing us from doing IUI (good count & motility, morph at 8.5 but at a less strict lab, good survival and motility after 24 hr incubation). But after considering all the factors, IVF felt like the right choice.

It’s been a bit of a whirlwind ever since I told the nurse our decision. I went in today for more blood work and a mock transfer, which really wasn’t bad at all. I have a tentative schedule for the beginning of the cycle:

Nov. 4 – Class for J and me – drug injections, etc, more b/w for J
Nov. 8 – last BCP
Nov. 12 – baseline u/s
Nov. 13 – Start FSH

From what I can tell we’re doing an antagonist protocol. I am set up with the pharmacy – they called and read off the list of medications. Wow. Just wow. I knew it would be a lot but I really didn’t expect such a long list. As soon as we are ready to start meds I will call and they will ship them overnight. I should be getting a more formal calendar from the nurse later this week. And kicking it all off is our trip to CT & NYC – J is already in CT, and I fly out on a red-eye on Wednesday night. Yippee!